Error Code
If you are seeing a certain error code when executing orders, you can look up its underlying message using the table below.
You can find the error code in the history tab.
Error Code | Error Message | Problem | Solution |
00 | FORBIDDEN | Sender not authorized to call contract | Please contact support |
01 | ALREADY SET | Duplicate operation | Please contact support |
02 | ADDRESS ZERO | Address is invalid | Please contact support |
03 | INSUFFICIENT AMOUNT | Token amount is too small | Increase token amount |
04 | EXPIRED | Order is no longer valid | Retry the order |
05 | TRANSFER FAILED | One or more transactions failed | Retry the order |
06 | LOCKED | Operation is already in progress | Wait for the operation to complete |
07 | INSUFFICIENT LIQUIDITY | Not enough reserve tokens to complete the transaction | Retry the order with a different proportion of tokens |
08 | INSUFFICIENT INPUT AMOUNT | Order exceeds available tokens | Retry the order with a different proportion of tokens |
09 | ZERO | Token balance is zero | Please contact support |
0A | WITHDRAW DISABLED | Withdrawal is disabled for this token pair | Use a different token pair or try again later |
0B | UNISWAP PAIR MUST BE CONTRACT | Token pair address is not a contract | Please contact support |
0C | UNAUTHORIZED TRADER | Sender not authorized to trade tokens | Please contact support |
0E | TRANSFER FROM FAILED | Transfer failed for unknown reason | Please contact support |
0F | TOKEN TRANSFER GAS COST UNSET | One or more token transfer gas costs is unset | Please contact support |
10 | TOKEN MUST BE CONTRACT | Token address does not point to a contract | Please contact support |
11 | SUBTRACTION OVERFLOW | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
12 | SUB UNDERFLOW | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
13 | SELL DISABLED | Transactions are disabled for this token pair | Use a different token pair or try again later |
14 | REFUND FAILED | Refund transaction failed | Please contact support |
15 | PRICE TOO LOW | Token swap price is too low to complete the deposit | Increase slippage tolerance and retry the order |
16 | PRICE TOO HIGH | Token swap price is too high to complete the deposit | Increase slippage tolerance and retry the order |
17 | PAIR NONEXISTENT | Token pair does not exist | Use a different token pair or try again later |
18 | PAIR EXISTS | Token pair cannot be created because it already exists | Please contact support |
19 | PAIR DOES NOT EXIST | Token pair has not yet been created | Please contact support |
1A | OVERFLOW FLOAT ENCODE | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
1B | OVERFLOW FLOAT DECODE | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
1C | ORDER NOT EXCEEDED | Order time has not yet exceeded delay time | Wait for order delay time to elapse |
1D | ORACLE MUST BE CONTRACT | Oracle address is not a contract | Please contact support |
1E | NOT ENOUGH FUNDS | Gas prepay amount is insufficient | Increase gas prepay amount |
1F | NO UNISWAP RESERVES | Token pool has insufficient liquidity | Use a different token pair or try again later |
20 | NO TIME ELAPSED | Current price is not more recent than order price | Wait for more time to elapse |
21 | NO POSSIBLE REFUND | Refund is not available | Please contact support |
22 | NO LIQUIDITY | Insufficient liquidity to complete withdrawal | Lower LP token amount or try again later |
23 | NO AMOUNT OUT | Output amount for swap cannot be zero | Increase output token amount and try again |
24 | NO AMOUNT IN | Input amount for swap cannot be zero | Increase input token amount and try again |
25 | NO AMOUNT | Input amount for both deposit tokens must be greater than zero | Increase input token amounts and try again |
26 | NO ADDRESS | Invalid recipient address | Try again with a different address |
27 | NEGATIVE Y BALANCE | Insufficient reserves to complete transaction | Adjust token amounts and try again |
28 | NEGATIVE X BALANCE | Insufficient balance to complete transaction | Adjust token amounts and try again |
29 | MULTIPLICATION OVERFLOW | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
2A | MUL OVERFLOW | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
2B | MAX GAS LIMIT TOO HIGH | Maximum gas limit exceeds bounds | Please contact support |
2C | INVALID TRANSFER | Token transfer did not complete | Please contact support |
2D | INVALID TO | Address is invalid | Try again with a different address |
2E | INVALID SWAP | Invalid token amount for swap | Adjust token amounts and try again |
2F | INVALID SIGNATURE | Invalid signature for approval | Please contact support |
30 | INVALID SHARES | Insufficient balance to complete transaction | Adjust token amounts and try again |
31 | INVALID OUTPUT AMOUNTS | Invalid token amount for swap | Adjust token amounts and try again |
32 | INVALID ORDER TYPE | Order type does not match expected type | Please contact support |
33 | INVALID MAX GAS PRICE IMPACT | Gas price impact exceeds inertia | Please contact support |
34 | INVALID INT CONVERSION | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
35 | INVALID INERTIA | Gas price inertia too low | Please contact support |
36 | INSUFFICIENT TOTAL SUPPLY | Insufficient balance to complete transaction | Lower LP token amount or try again later |
37 | INSUFFICIENT OUTPUT AMOUNT | Order exceeds available tokens | Retry the order with a different proportion of tokens |
38 | INSUFFICIENT LIQUIDITY MINTED | Insufficient balance to complete transaction | Lower LP token amount or try again later |
39 | INSUFFICIENT LIQUIDITY BURNED | Insufficient balance to complete transaction | Lower LP token amount or try again later |
3A | INSUFFICIENT BALANCE | Insufficient balance to complete transaction | Lower LP token amount or try again later |
3B | IDENTICAL ADDRESSES | Invalid token pair | Please contact support |
3C | GAS PRICE PRECISION | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
3D | GAS LIMIT TOO LOW | Inadequate gas to complete transaction | Increase gas amount and try again |
3E | GAS LIMIT TOO HIGH | Gas exceeds allowed gas amount | Decrease gas amount and try again |
3F | ETH TRANSFER FAILED | ETH transfer did not complete | Please contact support |
40 | ETH REFUND FAILED | ETH refund did not complete | Please contact support |
41 | EMPTY ORDER | Invalid order type | Please contact support |
42 | DIVISION OVERFLOW | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
43 | DIVISION BY ZERO | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
45 | DIFFERENT DECIMALS | Token pair decimal values do not match expected values | Please contact support |
46 | DEPOSIT DISABLED | Deposit is disabled for this token pair | Use a different token pair or try again later |
47 | DECIMALS DIFFERENCE TOO BIG | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
48 | CANNOT DECREASE | Allowance decrease exceeds bounds | Please contact support |
49 | BUY DISABLED | Transactions are disabled for this token pair | Use a different token pair or try again later |
4B | APPROVE FAILED | Transaction was not approved | Please contact support |
4D | ADDITION OVERFLOW | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
4E | ADD OVERFLOW | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
4F | DECIMALS HIGHER THAN 75 | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
50 | SM EXCEEDS 32 BITS | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
51 | SM EXCEEDS 112 BITS | Calculation exceeded bounds | Please contact support |
52 | NOT CANCELLABLE | Order can no longer be cancelled | Wait for order to complete |
53 | OUT OF GAS |
Last updated